I am wishing a happy New Year 2013 to all my friends, brothers, sisters and well wishers and even my enemies although i feel that i don't have any enemies.
Blog posts : "General"
My New Year wish for you
President Barack Obama: As pragmatic as idealistic.
Thursday January 20, 2009 entered the annals of history as the day the first ever African American, Barack Hussein Obama was sworn in as the 44 President of the United States of America, something which appeared almost impossible just four decades ago.
Obama in his inauguration speech did not only talk to please his “fans” and supporters but sounded as pragmatic as well idealistic as he briefly addressed both domestic and foreign policies issues. Conscious of the fact that he is taking over a shattered economy and a country whose image has been badly tainted, he said bluntly "Our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions — that time has surely passed,"
President Obama as seen by the world
Middle East conflict: Sweden opts for pragmatism
Terrorist organisations, Liberation Movements and State Terrorism
MY “WISH”, our CHALLENGES for 2009 and beyond
Scandinavian countries want Mugabe’s resignation
Is military intervention needed in Zimbabwe?
Election of Barack Obama as US President and African excitement
Iranian President's Monthly Expenses And Nigerian Leaders
"The Fox News TV (USA) asked the Iranian President Ahmedinejad: "When you l…