Below is the full list of candidates who have been selected by Cameroon’s Electoral body ELECAM, for the October 9, 2011 presidential elections. A total of 52 postulants submitted their files and 21 were retained including incumbent Paul Biya, who has been in office since November 6, 1982. 31 postulants were rejected with reasons ranging from the none legalisation of copies of documents, late submission of files, fake receipts or non payment of payment of the FCFA 5 million caution among others.
However, what is striking (old and at the same time new) is that the list consists of mainly old faces who have refused to quit the leadership of their political parties and have stood for every election either since their party was created or since they became leaders of their parties. This is one of the main reasons why several Cameroonians have refused to register and vote as various parties’ leadership have been taken hostage by its current leaders and their acolytes. Other reasons include the rigging machinery put in place by the government coupled with a very divided and visionless opposition.
According to the Friday September 09, 2011 announcement made by the “erstwhile” CPDM diehard and president of ELECAM, Fonkam Azu’u, the candidates selected by ELECAM include;
1. Atangana Nsoe Simon Pierre, Grand Cameroun (GC)
2. Ayah Paul Abine, People’s Action Party (PAP)
3. Bilé Olivier Anicet, Union pour la Fraternité et la Prospérité (UFP)
4. Biya Paul, Cameroon People Democratic Movement (CPDM)
5. Dang Bayibidio Esther, Bloc pour la Reconstruction et l’Indépendance Economique du Cameroun
6. Dzongang Albert, La Dynamique pour la Renaissance Nationale (La Dynamique)
7. Ekindi Jean Jacques, Le Mouvement Progressiste/Progressive Movement (MP)
8. Feuzeu Isaac, Mouvement pour l’Emergence et le Réveil du Citoyen (MERCI)
9. Garga Haman Adji, Alliance pour la Démocratie et le Développement (ADD)
10. Hameni Bieuleu Victorin François, Union des Forces Démocratiques du Cameroun (UFDC)
11. Kamgang Hubert, Union des Populations Africaines (UPA)
12. Lontouo Marcus, Congrès National Camerounais (CNC)
13. Momo Jean de Dieu, Patriotes Démocrates pour le Développement du Cameroun (PADDEC)
14. Muna Bernard Achuo, Alliance des Forces Progressistes/Alliance of Progressive Forces (AFP)
15. Ndam Njoya Adamou, Union Démocratique du Cameroun/Cameroon Democratic Union (UDC)
16. Ngo Fritz Pierre, Mouvement des Ecologistes Camerounais (MEC)
17. Ni John Fru Ndi, Social Democratic Front (SDF)
18. Njeunga Jean, Front Uni du Cameroun (FUC)
19. Nyamndi George Dobgima, Social Liberal Congress (SLC)
20. Tabi Owono Joachim, Action pour la Méritocratie et l’Egalité des Chances (AMEC)
21. Walla Edith Kahbang, Cameroon People’s Party (CPP)
A great proportion of the candidates cannot get votes beyond their biological families or ethnic group. However, what is striking is that the list consists of mainly old faces that have refused to quit the leadership of their political parties and have stood for every election either since their party was created or since they became leaders of their parties. This is one of the main reasons why several Cameroonians have refused to register and votes as various parties’ leadership have been taken hostage. Other reasons include the rigging machinery put in place by the government coupled with a very divided and visionless opposition.
The old wine in the old bottles for the 2011 presidential elections in Cameroon includes;
(1). Paul Biya of the CPDM (2). John Fru Ndi of the SDF
(3). Jean Jacques Ekindi of MP (3).Albert Dzongang of La Dynamique
(4). Garga Haman Adji of ADD (5). Hameni Bieuleu of UFDC
(6). Adamou Ndam Njoya of UDC. (7) Fritz Pierre Ngo of MEC
(8). Nyamdi George SLC (8).Tabi Owono (9). Hubert Kamga
The new candidates include;
(1). Atangna Nsoe of GC (2). Ayah Paul of PAP
(3). Edith Kahbang Walla of CPP (4). Momo Jean de Dieu of PADDEC
(6) Dang Esther (7) Ben Muna AFP
Conspicuous Absence.
Bello Bouba Maigari of National Union for Democracy and Progress - NUDP ( Another eternal president of his party)- His party, NUDP has virtually merged with the ruling CPDM so that the eternal leader, Bello Bouba, can reap from his ministerial posts to the disgruntlement of most of his party comrades.
Secondly the various factions of Union des population du Cameroun- UPC Augustine Frederick Kodock and UPC-Samuel Mackit are not on the list. The latter refused to take part in an election whose winner is already known in advanced, while the former is sick and has reportedly instructed his party collaborator to filed for no candidate other than him. He has equally been one of the eternal party leaders and presidential candidates.